Latest news: Chilly winter time in South East Queensland. Saturday, 27 Jul 2024


Himawari Geostationary Satellite Images - Australia

The Himawari Geostationary Satellites are owned by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and OceanViewWeather processes these images every 30 minutes with data courtesy of Click on an image below to view the last 24 hour images.
(Images are updated at approximately 05 and 35 minutes past each hour.)
(Click Image For Last 24 hour Animation)

(Click Image For Last 24 hour Animation)

South Eastern Australia
Australian Bight
(Click Image For Last 24 hour Animation)

(Click Image For Last 24 hour Animation)

SW West Australia
WA Pilbara
(Click Image For Last 24 hour Animation)

(Click Image For Last 24 hour Animation)

Central Australia
Gulf Of Carpentaria
(Click Image For Last 24 hour Animation)

(Click Image For Last 24 hour Animation)

Himawari Geostationary Satellite Images - Pacific Ocean and World

Central Pacific
West Pacific
(Click Image For Last 24 hour Animation)

(Click Image For Last 24 hour Animation)

New Zealand
Equatorial Region
(Click Image For Last 24 hour Animation)

(Click Image For Last 24 hour Animation)

NE Asia
SE Asia
(Click Image For Last 24 hour Animation)

(Click Image For Last 24 hour Animation)

Full Globe

(Click Image For Last 24 hour Animation)